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Our Process

DDS takes on pressing DoD problems that have not yet been solved, and employs experts in product, design, and engineering who work in a fully agile, human-centered research, design, and product methodology.

How We Work: The Product Trio

A Venn diagram-style illustration showing three overlapping circles labeled 'Designer,' 'PM' (Project or Product Manager), and 'Engineer.' The circles represent the collaboration between these roles in product development. Two curved arrows form a continuous loop around the diagram, suggesting an iterative or cyclical process.

The product trio model, first coined by Teresa Torres, empowers teams to move quickly while solving problems-- not just delivering features.

Our product trios—each consisting of a product manager, a user experience designer and researcher, and an engineer—are aligned with user and mission needs. Their combined expertise provides a holistic understanding of each product from different perspectives.

Our team, comprised of mostly civilians from the private sector, serve two or four year limited terms. This structure ensures a constant influx of fresh ideas and a sense of urgency to allow DDS team members to maximize their contributions to the DoD during their time at DDS.

Our Values

A black and white icon depicting an eye above an open hand, symbolizing the concept of 'Show and Tell'—the act of demonstrating or presenting something visually while explaining it.
Show, Don't Tell

We rapidly demonstrate and deliver capabilities.

Black and white icon of a rocket launching, symbolizing exploration, initiative, and going where the work is to understand user challenges firsthand.
Go Where the Work Is

We show up and experience the problem first hand to understand the users' challenges.

A team using technology to improve lives, represented through service members and civilians.
Make a Difference

We leverage our technical expertise to improve the lives of service members and civilians.

Black and white icon of a medal with a ribbon, symbolizing bravery and integrity in speaking the truth about systems, capabilities, and processes, even when it's difficult.
Be Brave and Speak The Truth

We tell the truth about systems, capabilities, and processes — even if it's hard to hear.

Black and white icon of two puzzle pieces fitting together, symbolizing collaboration, alignment with user needs, and integrating diverse perspectives in design.
Design With Users

We rapidly demonstrate and deliver capabilities.

The DDS Way: An Improved Agile Process For The DOD

A diagram illustrating an Agile process. A horizontal sequence of arrows represents key phases: Discover, Define, Design, Develop, Test, Review, Launch, and Reflect. Above this, a circular loop contains iterative steps: Test, Develop, and Review, signifying continuous feedback and improvement throughout the development cycle.

The DDS Agile process incorporates human centered design in the following phases:

We engage with prospective partners to learn more about the present challenge, and determine if DDS is the right fit to help. Is there a critical gap for the Department, potentially putting lives at risk? Can we use this moment to leapfrog the current state of DoD technology? Are we the only ones coming to help?
DDS doesn't start with requirements. Instead, a cross-functional team of designers, product managers, and engineers will go to where the work is. By learning customer needs first and taking time to learn the overall problem space, DDS is able to surface mission and technical requirements during discovery. We then work with the product partner to identify relevant next steps.
Depending on the discovery results, this phase may include a variety of outcomes:
  • Drafting end state service design blueprints
  • Building engineering prototypes or proof of concept solutions
  • Rapidly iterating on a range of ideas that may solve the problem.
  • During this phase, we are in the trenches in partnership with the product users to create a unified feedback loop when evaluating flows, concepts, and prototypes.At the end of this agile Design phase, DDS & the product partner agree on the core minimally viable product (MVP).
We test our solution with real users and iteratively implement user feedback as we drive towards delivery. This includes agile product and design refinement, testing, and validation.
At this point, DDS and the product partner have an initial usable product that solves a tangible need within the Department. Together, we reflect on the current product and impact delivered to then identify the next north star (and accompanying feature requests). DDS works with the product partner to prepare to transition the product in service of further scale and product reach.
DDS transitions the product in support of further sustainment and scale for product users.